
How can I disable the Maven Javadoc plugin from the command line?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-04 13:23 出处:网络
In pom.xml I have declaration like this <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>

In pom.xml I have declaration like this


is there any way to turn that off from command line?

I do know I can extract that into a profile, but that is not what I want.

The Javadoc generation can be skipped by setting the property maven.javadoc.skip to true [1], i.e.


(and not false)

It seems, that the simple way


does not work with the release-plugin. in this case you have to pass the parameter as an "argument"

mvn release:perform -Darguments="-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

You can use the maven.javadoc.skip property to skip execution of the plugin, going by the Mojo's javadoc. You can specify the value as a Maven property:


or as a command-line argument: -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true, to skip generation of the Javadocs.

Add to the release plugin config in the root-level pom.xml:


For newbie Powershell users it is important to know that '.' is a syntactic element of Powershell, so the switch has to be enclosed in double quotes:

mvn clean install "-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"

Dans le pom.xml

1st option : using properties


2nd option : using the build > pluginManagement > plugins > plugin > configuration


3rd option : When invoking mvn (this one did not work for me)

 mvn clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

One important thing is: if you set <skip>false<skip> in configuration of maven-javadoc-plugin in pom.xml, the -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true will not work, at least for maven-daemon(aka mvndaemon or mvnd).



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