
Is it possible to somehow define a material or brush that completely ignores the current lighting?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 11:08 出处:网络
I have a model that looks good with lighting, but in that model I want to add a 3D-surface-graph that looks best if I turn lighting off. Does anyone know if it开发者_开发问答 is possible to make the l

I have a model that looks good with lighting, but in that model I want to add a 3D-surface-graph that looks best if I turn lighting off. Does anyone know if it开发者_开发问答 is possible to make the light affect only a selection of objects in my scene?

The best I have come up with so far is to combine a DiffuseMaterial and an EmissiveMaterial with the same color, but that results in some strange visual effects so it’s far from perfect.

If there are no lights you will not see the object.

If you want to have a different set of lights for a specific object just put the object in a separate Model3DGroup with its own lights.



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