
JAR Hell Hacks for Non-OSGi Developers

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 00:41 出处:网络
Edit: After reviewing the play, the example I used below is a tad misleading. I am looking for the case where I have two 3rd party jars (not homegrown jars where I have access to the source code) that

Edit: After reviewing the play, the example I used below is a tad misleading. I am looking for the case where I have two 3rd party jars (not homegrown jars where I have access to the source code) that both depend on different versions of the same jar.

Original: So I've recently familiarized myself with what OSGi is, and what ("JAR Hell") problems it addresses at its core. And, as intrigued as I am with it (and plan on migrating somewhere down the road), I just don't have it in me to begin learning what it will take to bring my projects over to it.

So, I'm now lamenting: if JAR hell happens to me, how do I solve this sans OSGi?

Obviously, the solution would almost have to involve writing my own ClassLoader, but I'm having a tough time visualizing how that would manifest itself, and more importantly, how that would solve the problem. I did some research and the consensus was that you have to write your own ClassLoader for every JAR you produce, but since I'm already having a tough time seeing that forest through the trees, that statement开发者_开发技巧 isn't sinking in with me.

Can someone provide a concrete example of how writing my own ClassLoader would put a band-aid on this gaping wound (I know, I know, the only real solution is OSGi)?

Say I write a new JAR called SuperJar-1.0.jar that does all sorts of amazing stuff. Say my SuperJar-1.0.jar has two other dependencies, Fizz-1.0.jar and Buzz-1.0.jar. Both Fizz and Buzz jars depend on log4j, except Fizz-1.0.jar depends on log4j-1.2.15.jar, whereas Buzz-1.0.jar depends on log4j-1.2.16.jar. Two different versions of the same jar.

How could a ClassLoader-based solution resolve this (in a nutshell)?

If you're asking this question from an "I'm building an app, how do I avoid this" problem rather than a "I need this particular solution" angle, I would strongly prefer the Maven approach - namely, to only resolve a single version of any given dependency. In the case of log4j 1.2.15 -> 1.2.16, this will work fine - you can include only 1.2.16. Since the older version is API compatible (it's just a patch release) it's extremely likely that Fizz 1.0 won't even notice that it's using a newer version than it expected.

You'll find that doing this will probably be way easier to debug issues with (nothing confuses me like having multiple versions of even classes or static fields floating around! Who knows which one you're dealing with!) and doesn't need any clever class loader hacks.

But, this is exactly what all the appservers out there have to deal with. Pretend that your Fizz and Buzz are web applications (WARs), and Super-Jar is you appserver. Super-Jar will arrange a class loader for each web app that "breaks" the normal delegation model, i.e. it will look locally (down) before looking up the hierarchy. Go read about it in any of the appservers's documentation. For example http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E19798-01/821-1752/beade/index.html.

Use log4j-1.2.16. It only contains bugfixes wrt 1.2.15.

If Fizz breaks with 1.2.16, fork and patch it, then submit those patches back to the author of Fizz.

The alternative of creating custom classloaders with special delegation logic is very complex and likely to cause you many problems. I don't see why you would want to do this rather than just use OSGi. Have you considered creating an embedded OSGi framework, so you don't have to convert your whole application?



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