
issues requiring files in php from multiple locations

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 15:57 出处:网络
I have a single PHP file that i require in many different php files. The PHP file stores DB info and also requires another file called something.php....

I have a single PHP file that i require in many different php files.

The PHP file stores DB info and also requires another file called something.php....

Now, say I stored the PHP file (with db info) called my_db_info.php in a folder called config.

I then have another PHP file that was stored in two folders above the config folder, called all_functions. Now to require the file with db info I'd write require('folder1/config/my_db_info.php'); Now this would require my_db_info.php fine but the file required in my_db_info.php (something.php) will not be included which will cause a fatal error.

so when I test the php in the all_functions folder, i get a fatal error telling me that the file (something.php) required in the actual db file (my_db_info.php)开发者_JAVA百科 could not be found.

then, when I alter the my_db_info.php file and change the require line to decrease how many folders it goes up or down, example:




It seems to work. But i have to change the folder up/down count to what the main file (in the all_functions folder) is. so as if i was requiring something.php in that file...

Which means, when i want to require my_db_info.php into another file, which is in a completely different location to the file in the all_functions folder (5 folders up for example), I will have to make another my_db_info.php for it to all work properly....

Why does this happen, and is there any way I can fix this?


To me, it seems the easiest thing for you to do, is the directly include the PHP files rather than giving the relative path (which is how you're including them).

Try using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] (which will give you something like /home/username/htdocs)

If I understand your setup correctly, you have the following 2 directories in a directory (possibly in the root):


The instead of including with multiple include("../my_db_info.php"); change to include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/config/my_db_info.php"); and repeat as needed be for other directories.

If you do it this way, it will work for multiple directories away from where the config+all_functions directories are located.

Edit (in response to comment)

If $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is unavailable, then you could always manually write the document root, then define it as a constant, then call it in each script.


define(rootpath, "/home/username/htdocs");

Then you can use rootpath as your defined constant in my_db_info.php (etc) if needed be, the downside is that you'd have to write this in every script - though fingers crossed that $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is available for you.

2021 Update

Now I prefer to use namespace with autoload instead of traditional importing.


namespace Whatever;

class Important {...}

use App\Whatever;

$important = new Important();




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