
GridView Cell Color

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 17:09 出处:网络
I have to fill the cells of a gridview with just color. No text is required in this case. I have a List of Object X \'s that I will bind to gridview. Object X has properties that correspond to the gri

I have to fill the cells of a gridview with just color. No text is required in this case. I have a List of Object X 's that I will bind to gridview. Object X has properties that correspond to the grid view. Suppose there is a property called Y in Object X that is a boolean , if Y is false I need to fill the cell with Red and if Y is true I need to fill it with Yellow.

How do I go about doing this ??

I tried something like this:

                <asp:Label ID="Default" 
                    BackColor= '<%# Eval("Default") %>==true:Green:Blue'

It gives me an error saying the server tag is not well formed.

NOTE: I don't need to fill any text in the cell. Just color based on properties of Object X that are boolean.

Hope I have made myself clear..

Any ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated !

Use the style property:

If( ObjectX.Y){

DataGridView1.Item(ColumnIndex, RowIndex).Style.BackColor = Red

} else {
Data GridView1.Item(ColumnIndex, RowIndex).Style.BackColor = Yellow

Not sure if there is a property for forecolor also.



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