
Setting up Sinatra to run in a subdirectory

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-07 22:40 出处:网络
Now I am pretty new to Sinatra/Ruby/Apache but have inherited a Sinatra application to depl开发者_高级运维oy.

Now I am pretty new to Sinatra/Ruby/Apache but have inherited a Sinatra application to depl开发者_高级运维oy.

Currently Apache is set up to run from a document root (httpdocs) and I need to run a ruby application underneath a folder subdirectory such as: /httpdocs/webapp

What do I need to do to get this up and running under a subdirectory?

This link might be helpful, it explains how to deploy a Sinatra app with Apache using Passenger (mod_rack): Deploying a Sinatra App with Apache and Phusion Passenger

The part of particular interest to you is the RackBaseURI option in the virtual host configuration. The official documentation is available here: Phusion Passenger users guide - Deploying Rack to Sub URI

I just ran into the same issue. Since there was no answer here for how to do this without Passenger, I'm going to document the solution for Apache + CGI or FastCGI.

The trick is to rewrite PATH_INFO for Rack, and everything will fall into place:

  1. Set up .htaccess:

     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule ^(.*)$ sinatra_app.cgi [QSA,L,E=PATHINFO:/$1]
  2. In your Sinatra code, before anything else:


Now all URLs like /subfolder/resource/123 will hit the correct route in the Sinatra app.
In the above case get '/resource/:id' will work correctly, assuming the Sinatra app was put into /subfolder.



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