
Error:emulator-5554 disconnected: [duplicate]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 03:51 出处:网络
This question already has answers here: Closed 10 years ago. Possible Duplicate: Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message
This question already has answers here: Closed 10 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:

Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message

i run mine application in eclipse and the follow开发者_JAVA百科ing results found in console

[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Android Launch!
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] adb is running normally.
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Performing com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'yahoo' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2011-09-27 12:47:58 - AndroidBlackjack] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'yahoo'
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2011-09-27 12:49:52 - AndroidBlackjack] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2011-09-27 12:51:12 - AndroidBlackjack] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.android.blackjack.Setup activity launch'!

please help me i do not understand this.

Solution (Eclipse IDE)

Select & Right Click on Android Project
Run Configurations
Go to tab Target 
Enable option Wipe User Data on Emulator launch parameters
Run Application

If you are using other IDE, you can restart your emulator using -wipe-data flag to delete all the temporary files that the emulator created in previous runs.

the cancellation occurs because of three reasons:

  1. i had not clean the project emulator => project => clean
  2. i had written the .main in small letters in manifest.xml by mistake
  3. i had not removed windows firewall settings of window

The problem as I discovered lays in the fact the the project has no appropriate Virtual Device defined for it in the AVD manager.

So the recommended steps in eclipse are:

Go to "Project"-> Properties-> Android.
On the right pane see what line is checked in the Project build target.
Remember the target platform number that appears in the selected line.
Go to "Windows"-> AVD Manager.
Check the list of existing Android Virtual Devices for a device that matches the Platform and API level that you have set for your project (see step #2 above).
If there is no line that includes an AVD for your platform (as I suspect), add it using the "New" button.
A "Create New Android Virtual Device" window will be opened. set a new device name. in the "Target" selection box choose the right platform for your project.

Enjoy your emulator once again!



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