
Hex to Ascii conversion problem

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 04:57 出处:网络
What is the ascii representation of this hex value: 0x80487d2 every converter gives me a different answer, hopefully someone ca开发者_高级运维n help.

What is the ascii representation of this hex value: 0x80487d2 every converter gives me a different answer, hopefully someone ca开发者_高级运维n help.


0x80487d2 has no ASCII representation.

ASCII can only have characters in the range 0 and 127 (inclusive). The hex value 0x80487d2 is well above 127.

That hex value can be split into multiple bytes but the way this is done depends on whether the machine is little or big endian, and regardless, not all of those bytes have an ASCII representation. You won't find 0xd2 on any ASCII character chart (http://www.asciitable.com/).

Assuming that is a literal number (i.e. not some weird or little-endian encoding) the decimal representation is 134514642.



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