
Server-side processing - how to refresh the table on outside event (checkbox clicked)?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 11:30 出处:网络
If there i开发者_开发问答s a series of checkboxes defining some additional conditions on the data (like \"Male\", \"Female\") above a server-processed DataTables table and the user makes some selectio

If there i开发者_开发问答s a series of checkboxes defining some additional conditions on the data (like "Male", "Female") above a server-processed DataTables table and the user makes some selections -

How to tell the table to reload the new aaData from the server?

And is there a way to pass some parameters (like which checkboxes have been set) along?

Do you need something like http://www.datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/regex.html ? Ignore regex specific code - this page shws you how to filter elements using external form.




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