
Comparing 2 arrays of symbols

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 15:32 出处:网络
I\'m new to ruby, and I\'ve been googling for hours, but I can\'t figure this one out. It looks like it should be really easy so I\'m getting pretty frustrated.

I'm new to ruby, and I've been googling for hours, but I can't figure this one out. It looks like it should be really easy so I'm getting pretty frustrated.

I'm working in ruby and need to comp开发者_C百科are 2 arrays of symbols for a true or false return.

array1 = [:a, :c]
array2 = [:a, :b, :c]

The comparison I need to do, is to see if array2 includes all the elements of array1. In this case array2 includes array1, but array1 does not include array2.

I tried:


Which only returns true if they are in the same order because it needs to convert to a string for comparison. So as is it returns false (not what I'm looking for), but if array2 = [:a, :c, :b] it would be true. Is there a more appropriate way of making this comparison?

venj's answer is fine for small arrays but might not perform well (this is debatable) for large arrays. Since you're basically doing a set operation ("is Set(array1) a subset of Set(array2)?"), it makes sense to see how Ruby's own Set library does this. Set has a subset? method, and taking a peek at its source we see that it's short and sweet:

def subset?(set)
  set.is_a?(Set) or raise ArgumentError, "value must be a set"
  return false if set.size < size
  all? { |o| set.include?(o) }

We could just instantiate two Set objects from the arrays and call it a day, but it's just as easy to distill it into a oneliner that operates directly on them:

array1 = [:a, :c]
array2 = [:a, :b, :c]

array1.length < array2.length && array1.all? {|el| array2.include? el }
# => true

array1 << :z
array1.length < array2.length && array1.all? {|el| array2.include? el }
# => false

You can use -. e.g.:

array1 - array2 #=> returns empty array, if array2 include all array1 elements. 

Hope this can solve your problem.

You can add this method to the Array class.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

class Array
  def includes_other(arr)
    raise "arr must be an Array" unless arr.kind_of? Array
    return (arr - self).length == 0

arr1 = [:a, :c, :e]
arr2 = [:e, :a, :c, :d]

puts arr2.includes_other(arr1) # prints true

arr3 = [:x, :c, :e]

puts arr3.includes_other(arr1) # prints false


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