
facebook opengraph not updating and other questions

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 16:50 出处:网络
I\'m having a problem using Facebook\'s OpenGraph. I\'m attempting to implement timeline features into my application. However, when try changing my meta tags to change the tile of my object, the chan

I'm having a problem using Facebook's OpenGraph. I'm attempting to implement timeline features into my application. However, when try changing my meta tags to change the tile of my object, the changes are not reflected. When I pass my url into the debugger tool facebook offers, it displays that my OG object is st开发者_开发问答ill using the old data, as opposed to the new data. However, the weird thing is the raw properties show my changes. How do I get facebook to update the OG object?

Another problem I'm having is that when I make changes to my actions, facebook isn't properly updating it. When I reopen the action, it's still referencing my old object titles. For example, if a title of one of my movie objects was "sci fi," and I reference "sci fi" in the action "see," it will still be referencing "sci fi" even if I try to change it to something else. I would save and it, but when I reopened the action the old settings where still there.

I was also wondering about dynamic generation of objects. For example, if I had an app that allowed people to list movies they've watched, could I dynamically generate the OG object so that users can have the "see a $movie" show up in their timeline no matter what movie it was? The reason I'm wondering is because right now I'm unsure whether or not I need to keep the page with the meta tags up after I use it once.

Sorry for the word blocks and if my questions seem basic to you. I'm pretty much a newbie at this.

Putting your URL into the Object Debugger should force Facebook to crawl it. Do you have your og:url pointing to the old URL?

I don't understand your second question. Is Facebook not crawling your page? It should recrawl every 7 days or you can force it with the scrape API.

For your third question, yes, you can do that. Just make a different URL for each movie with a different og:url. For good SEO you want to do example.com/movie/1234/The-Matrix.

http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug Try this and put the link of the page you want facebook to clear its cache for.



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