
OpenCV PCA question

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-08 21:30 出处:网络
I\'m trying to create a PCA model in OpenCV to hold pixel coordinates. As an experiment I have two sets of pixel coordinates that maps out two approximate circles. Each set of coordiantes has 48 x,y p

I'm trying to create a PCA model in OpenCV to hold pixel coordinates. As an experiment I have two sets of pixel coordinates that maps out two approximate circles. Each set of coordiantes has 48 x,y pairs. I was experimenting with the following code which reads the coordinates from a file and stores them in a Mat structure. However, I don't think it is right and PCA in openCV seems very poorly covered on the Internet.

    Mat m(2, 48, CV_32FC2); // matrix with 2 rows of 48 cols of floats held in two channels

pFile = fopen("data.txt", "r");

for (int i=0; i<48; i++){
    int x, y;
    fscanf(pFile, "%d%c%c%d%c", &x, &c, &c, &y, &c);

    m.at<Vec2f>( 0 , i )[0] = (float)x; // store x in row 0, col i in channel 0
    m.at<Vec2f>( 0 , i )[1] = (float)y; // store y in row 0, col i in channel 1


for (int i=0; i<48; i++){
    int x, y;
    fscanf(pFile, "%d%c%c%d%c", &x, &c, &开发者_StackOverflowc, &y, &c);

    m.at<Vec2f>( 1 , i )[0] = (float)x; // store x in row 1, col i in channel 0
    m.at<Vec2f>( 1 , i )[1] = (float)y; // store y in row 1, col i in channel 1


PCA pca(m, Mat(), CV_PCA_DATA_AS_ROW, 2); // 2 principle components??? Not sure what to put here e.g. is it 2 for two data sets or 48 for number of elements?

    for (int i=0; i<48; i++){
 float x = pca.mean.at<Vec2f>(i,0)[0]; //get average x
     float y = pca.mean.at<Vec2f>(i,0)[1]; //get average y
     printf("\n x=%f, y=%f", x, y);

However, this crashes when creating the pca object. I know this is a very basic question but I am a bit lost and was hoping that someone could get me started with pca in open cv.

Perhaps it would be helpful if you described in further detail what you need to use PCA for and what you hope to achieve (output?).

I am fairly sure that the reason your program crashes is because the input Mat is CV_32FC2, when it should be CV_32FC1. You need to reshape your data into 1 dimensional row vectors before using PCA, not knowing what you need I can't say how to reshape your data. (The common application with images is eigenFace which requires an image to be reshaped into a row vector). Additionally you will need to normalize your input data between 0 and 1.

As a further aside, usually you would choose to keep 1 less principal component than the number of input samples because the last principal component is simply orthogonal to the others.

I have worked with opencv PCA before and would like to help further. I would also refer you to this blog: http://www.bytefish.de/blog/pca_in_opencv which helped me get started with PCA in openCV.



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