
CSS overflow issue with featured slider

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 11:05 出处:网络
On this website http://rwl.rwlwater.com/ I have a small issue... I added overflow: hidden to the featured slider div, the pictures were showing up stacked if the javascript was enabled or the user had

On this website http://rwl.rwlwater.com/ I have a small issue... I added overflow: hidden to the featured slider div, the pictures were showing up stacked if the javascript was enabled or the user had a slow internet connection..

But now I have another problem.. The desc开发者_高级运维ription had a little thing positioned outside the slider and it's hidden now...If I add overflow-x: visible it adds the scroll bar and that's not what I want. I want the description to be fully visible, but the overflow-y to be hidden.

If you want to see the fully thing, just use Firebug and remove overflow: hidden on the slider and the description thing will show up again...If you add the overflow, it will hide. I need to have it without any scroll bar. I tried overflow-x: visible and auto but it only adds a scroll bar at the bottom and that doesn't work for me, I need the original effect.

If you only need overflow: hidden for browsers with disabled JavaScript support, then you can keep the rule in the code, but reset it to visible using JavaScript as soon as the document is ready -- this way it won't affect JavaScript-enabled browsers.


$(function () {
    $('#slides').css('overflow', 'visible');


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