
Get peer address within a thrift handler function

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 17:23 出处:网络
I am implementing a small thrift (0.6.0) server in ruby to play a role of proxy to another protocol with several connections (multiple clients) to a single server.I want to be able and keep per-client

I am implementing a small thrift (0.6.0) server in ruby to play a role of proxy to another protocol with several connections (multiple clients) to a single server. I want to be able and keep per-client data on the server side and track "session" parameters across multiple invocations of handler functions.

I currently use Thrift::NonblockingServer as SimpleServer does not seem to allow concurrent connections.

I know how to use TCPSocket::peeraddr but Thrift::NonblockingServer::IOManager::Worker::run creates a temporary MemoryBufferTransport with the frame it read and passes that as the input/output protocol down to the processor so it seems that the info is not passed down from there.

Is there a clean way to do this? I was thinking of re-defining the above mentioned Thrift::NonblockingServer::IOManager::Worker::run to开发者_运维问答 also include the fd, or other ID at an additional parameter to process or augment the proto instances but as I also have to worry about one layer of generated ruby code (process_* methods in class Processor) it seems a little heavy.

I wonder if someone did anything like this before.


p.s. this is similar problem to this C++ thrift question

Here is how I went about changing Thrift::NonblockingServer::IOManager::Worker::run to support this.

Few caveats:

  • As I mentioned in the question I don't consider it clean (if nothing else I will have to monitor future thrift versions for changes in this function, this is based on 0.6.0).
  • this is written to work with ruby 1.8 (or I would have gotten the non translated addr/port see my other question)
  • I'm a ruby newbie .. I'm sure I've done some of this "wrong" (for example, should $connections be @@connections in ConnEntry or a diff class?).
  • I am aware that the Thread.current hash for thread-local storage has a namespace pollution issue

First, at some central module:

module MyThriftExt


  class ConnEntry
    attr_reader :addr_info, :attr

    def initialize(thrift_fd)

    def self.PreHandle(fd)
      $connections[fd]=ConnEntry.new(fd) unless $connections[fd].is_a? ConnEntry
      # make the connection entry as short-term thread-local variable 
      # (cleared in postHandle)

    def self.PostHandle()

    def to_s()
    end   end end

module Thrift   class NonblockingServer
    class IOManager
      alias :old_remove_connection :remove_connection
      def remove_connection(fd)
        $connections.delete fd

      class Worker
        # The following is verbatim from thrift 0.6.0 except for the two lines 
        # marked with "Added"
        def run
          loop do
            cmd, *args = @queue.pop
            case cmd
            when :shutdown
              @logger.debug "#{self} is shutting down, goodbye"
            when :frame
              fd, frame = args
                otrans = @transport_factory.get_transport(fd)
                oprot = @protocol_factory.get_protocol(otrans)
                membuf = MemoryBufferTransport.new(frame)
                itrans = @transport_factory.get_transport(membuf)
                iprot = @protocol_factory.get_protocol(itrans)
                MyThriftExt::ConnEntry.PreHandle(fd)    # <<== Added
                @processor.process(iprot, oprot)
                MyThriftExt::ConnEntry.PostHandle       # <<== Added
              rescue => e
                @logger.error "#{Thread.current.inspect} raised error: #{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"

Then at any point in the handler you can access Thread.current[:connEntry].addr_info for connection specific data or store anything regarding the connection in the Thread.current[:connEntry].attr hash.



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