
for clojure vector via parameter

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-09 20:51 出处:网络
(def andre {:owner \"Andre\" :type \"car\" :cur-speed \"100\" :license-plate \"ABC\"}) (def blastoise {:owner \"Blastoise\" :type \"truck\" :cur-speed \"120\" :license-plate \"XYZ\"})
(def andre {:owner "Andre" :type "car" :cur-speed "100" :license-plate "ABC"})
(def blastoise {:owner "Blastoise" :type "truck" :cur-speed "120" :license-plate "XYZ"})
(def car-tax[andre blastoise])
(defn calculate-car-tax [v]
    开发者_开发百科(for [v] (println (v)))


I'm getting this exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: for requires an even number of forms in binding vector (cartax.cl:5)

in this line: (for [v] (println (v))) this v is passed via parameter

You likely want the following

(def andre {:owner "Andre" :type "car" :cur-speed "100" :license-plate "ABC"})
(def blastoise {:owner "Blastoise" :type "truck" :cur-speed "120" :license-plate "XYZ"})
(def car-tax [andre blastoise])
(defn calculate-car-tax [v]
    (for [element v] (println element))

(calculate-car-tax car-tax)

You need to use the for macro with a binding. That is you want something to range over your vector. The reason for "even number" is that you can range over multiple vectors at once! Also arguments are best left unparenthesized; that is, make sure to write

(calculate-car-tax car-tax)

and not


Here is a transcript:

user=> (def andre {:owner "Andre" :type "car" :cur-speed "100" :license-plate "ABC"})
user=> (def blastoise {:owner "Blastoise" :type "truck" :cur-speed "120" :license-plate "XYZ"})
user=> (def car-tax [andre blastoise])
user=> (defn calculate-car-tax [v]
    (for [element v] (println element))
user=> (calculate-car-tax car-tax)
({:owner Andre, :type car, :cur-speed 100, :license-plate ABC}
{:owner Blastoise, :type truck, :cur-speed 120, :license-plate XYZ}
nil nil)


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