
JSF List Converter

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 16:35 出处:网络
How do I write a converter for a list of items of class A in JSF2? I have written a converter for class A, but the items show up using the default toString() function: \"A@hashcode\".

How do I write a converter for a list of items of class A in JSF2? I have written a converter for class A, but the items show up using the default toString() function: "A@hashcode".

I need to use a converter rather than a backing bean method so that validation can take place (Hibernate Validator).

more info

This is how I use the list:

<h:inputText id="destinations" value="#{rule.destinations}" converter="gr.panayk.vi开发者_开发技巧nyls.Destination"/>

Where #{rule.destinations} is of List<Destination> type. I am expecting a comma separated list of converted Destinations.


I attach the List converter that BalusC proposed.

public class DestinationListConverter implements Converter
    public Object getAsObject(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent component, final String values)
        final Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();

        final List<Destination> result = new ArrayList<Destination>(); 
        for (String value : values.split(",", -1))
            final String trimmedValue = value.trim();

            final Set<ConstraintViolation<Destination>> violations = validator.validateValue(Destination.class, "data", trimmedValue);
            if (!violations.isEmpty())
                throw new ConverterException(new FacesMessage(violations.iterator().next().getMessage()));

            result.add(new Destination(trimmedValue));

        final Set<ConstraintViolation<Rule>> violations = validator.validateValue(Rule.class, "destinations", result);
        if (!violations.isEmpty())
            throw new ConverterException(new FacesMessage(violations.iterator().next().getMessage()));

        return result;

    public String getAsString(final FacesContext context, final UIComponent component, final Object value)
        if (value instanceof List<?>)
            final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

            final List<?> list = (List<?>) value;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.size()-1; i++)
                if (list.get(i) instanceof Destination)
                    result.append(((Destination) list.get(i)).getData());
                    result.append(", ");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot convert " + value + " object to Destination in DestinationConverter." );

            if (!list.isEmpty())
                if (list.get(list.size()-1) instanceof Destination)
                    result.append(((Destination) list.get(list.size()-1)).getData());
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot convert " + value + " object to Destination in DestinationConverter." );

            return result.toString();
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot convert " + value + " object to List in DestinationConverter." );

I have written a converter for class A, but the items show up using the default toString() function: "A@hashcode".

That can happen if you didn't explicitly declare the converter on the component. In for example <h:selectManyCheckbox> and <h:selectManyListbox> explicitly declaring the converter is mandatory as all JSF/EL knows is that the value is of type List, not List<A> (generic types are lost during runtime). If you don't declare a converter, then the values will be treated as String (as that's what HTML output and HTTP request parameter values default to).


<h:selectManyCheckbox converter="aConverter">


@FacesConverter(value="aConverter", forClass=A.class)
public class AConverter implements Converter {

    // ...


Explicitly declaring the above converter is not necessary when you're using single-item inputs like <h:selectOneMenu> as the forClass would match it anyway.



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