
first character truncated when committing hgsub

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 16:51 出处:网络
I\'m trying to create a mercurial repository开发者_开发问答 containing subrepositores. I have the following entry in my .hgsub file:

I'm trying to create a mercurial repository开发者_开发问答 containing subrepositores. I have the following entry in my .hgsub file:

subrepo1 = http://hgserver.domain.com/subrepo1

However, when committing, I get the following message:

B:\>hg commit
committing subrepository ubrepo1

Why is the first character removed?

This is clearly a bug.

But StackOverflow is not the Mercurial bugtracker, and the best you can hope for here is a workaround. You should instead report the issue to the Mercurial BTS, which the developers actually read, and which may result in someone actually fixing the bug:


But today is your lucky day: the Mercurial project leader happened to follow a link to Stack Overflow, got annoyed that people were reporting bugs in a place that doesn't ever make it to his inbox and weren't promptly getting redirected to the right place, so he filed a proper bug report, then fixed the bug:


Turns out this particular bug is caused by the highly unusual pattern of committing to a repo at the root of the drive on a Windows machine with a subrepo. It's harmless and the fix will be in the next release on Nov 1.



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