
php ftp check if folder exists always return error creating folder

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-10 17:41 出处:网络
can someone please tell me what I\'m doing wrong in this code? if($id != \'\') { if(is_dir(\"../public_html\".$tem_pasta[\'path\'].\"/pics/\".$id)) {

can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong in this code?

if($id != '') {
    if(is_dir("../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$id)) {
        echo "pasta já existia";
        $destination_file = "../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$id."/".$myFileName;
    } else {
        //pasta nao existia
        if (ftp_mkdir($conn_id, "../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$id)) {
            $destination_file = "../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$id."/".$myFileName;
        //echo "pasta criada<br>";
        } else {
            echo "erro, não criou a pasta<br>开发者_Python百科;";
} else {
    $destination_file = "../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$myFileName;

it checks if I've a folder ($id) within my pics directory, and if not the script creates a new one. works good, but if I try to upload another file to the previous created folder it does return an error, saying it didn't create the folder...


I don't think you can use is_dir on a FTP resource, what you should do is check if the size of the dir/file is -1 with ftp_size.

Because I think what now happens is: you are trying to make the same folder again, and this is why a error occurs.

Edit: Or check with ftp_chdir!

function ftp_directory_exists($ftp, $dir) 
    // Get the current working directory 
    $origin = ftp_pwd($ftp); 

    // Attempt to change directory, suppress errors 
    if (@ftp_chdir($ftp, $dir)) 
        // If the directory exists, set back to origin 
        ftp_chdir($ftp, $origin);    
        return true; 

    // Directory does not exist 
    return false; 

Should work!

is_dir works only on the local file-system. If you want to check if a ftp-directory already exists try this:

function ftp_is_dir($ftp, $dir)
    $pushd = ftp_pwd($ftp);

    if ($pushd !== false && @ftp_chdir($ftp, $dir))
        ftp_chdir($ftp, $pushd);   
        return true;

    return false;

if($id != '') {
    if(ftp_is_dir($conn_id, "../public_html".$tem_pasta['path']."/pics/".$id)) {
    // and so on...

Use ftp_nlist and in_array

$ftp_files = @ftp_nlist($this->connection, $directory);

if ($ftp_files === false) {
    throw new Exception('Unable to list files. Check directory exists: ' . $directory);

if (!in_array($directory, $ftp_files)) {
    $ftp_mkdir = @ftp_mkdir($this->connection, $directory);

    if ($ftp_mkdir === false) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to create directory: ' . $directory);

With PHP 8.0 (on AWS) the solution with @ftp_chdir() does not hide the error and causes the program to stop. The solution with ftp_nlist() doesn't give good results because it returns either false if the path doesn't exist or an element if the path is a file or a list if it's a directory but doesn't give the "." and ".." elements that would identify a directory.

The ftp_mlsd() function seemed more convenient: it returns a list, possibly empty, only if the path is a directory, false otherwise. But it doesn't work correctly on all servers!

Finally it is the ftp_rawlist() function which seems to be the most generalized because it launches a LIST command on the server and returns the result. If the path is a directory we have an array, possibly empty and we have the value false if it is not a directory.

$list = ftp_rawlist( $ftp_conn, $remote_path );
$is_dir = is_array( $list );


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