
Get default port for scheme?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 05:02 出处:网络
Is there a way to find out what port number a NSURLRequest will use to satisfy a particular NSURL? Obviousl开发者_StackOverflowy, I could hard code port 80 for http request and port 443 for https req

Is there a way to find out what port number a NSURLRequest will use to satisfy a particular NSURL?

Obviousl开发者_StackOverflowy, I could hard code port 80 for http request and port 443 for https requests. But surely there's a built-in way to get the port number from a URL scheme in Cocoa Touch.

The port method on NSURL only returns a value when the port is specified in the URL. It'll work for http://stackoverflow.com:80, but not the more common http://stackoverflow.com.

The context here is that I'm signing into a web service that's redirecting me(Say, from (http://webservice.invalid/path/to/api to http://webservice2.invalid:2003/path/to/api). All URLs are based on the service's base URL, which I want to update to reflect reality and avoid future redirects.

At the moment, I'm extracting the scheme and host, but hadn't considered that the port might change as well. I don't want to specify the port on future requests if I didn't get a port as part of the redirect.

NSURLRequest has a method called URL which returns an NSURL which has a method called port.

NSURLRequest request = ...;

NSNumber *port = [[request URL] port];
NSLog(@"Port: %d", [port intValue]);


Returns the port number of a URL conforming to RFC 1808.

- (NSNumber *)port
Return Value The port number of the URL. If the receiver does not conform to RFC 1808, returns nil.


If the port is not set in the URL and you know the scheme, there is nothing wrong with hardcoding the default port. E.g. http = 80, https = 443, ftp = 21. These ports are defined in the standard and you can just store them in a constant somewhere in your code to avoid magic numbers.

Don't hardcode the ports. Use getservent() instead.



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