
How to reset sql identity value per year?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 05:43 出处:网络
Hi\' I\'m working with an asp.net application wich related to the registration of students, the data related to the students is inserted in to a database, each time a student is registered the field i

Hi' I'm working with an asp.net application wich related to the registration of students, the data related to the students is inserted in to a database, each time a student is registered the field idStudent is incremented by one, what I want to do is when a new year begins reset the student value in order to begin from 1 in the new year.

  • idStudent Year 1 2011 2 2011 3

    2011 4 2011 5 2011 ..... 1 2012 开发者_如何学Go2

    2012 3 2012 .......

How can I do this? The databse is in sql server 2008

Hope your help

If I had this exact business requirement and I couldn't negotiate a better, more efficient way then this would be my approach:

Instead of using an artificial key (i.e. an identity column) I would utilize a composite key. To find out what your best bet for a composite key would be, you need to know the business rules and logic. In other words, a question you would have to ask is is the combination of year and id unique? In other words, per year a student id can only be used once...?

This is one of those times were you would benefit from a natural composite key.

You could add a computed column which derives the number based on the year. You just need to run the script below at the start of the new year. Do note that when a transaction is rolled back there will be gaps in the identity column. (and inserts in a previous year will create big gaps as well.)

-- test table & inserts
create table Students (Id int identity, year int, name varchar(20), StudentId int null)
insert into Students (year, name) values (2010, 'student1'), (2011, 'student1'), (2011, 'student2')

-- run this every year
declare @count int, @sql varchar(max), @year int

declare c cursor local read_only 
for select year + 1, max(Id) from Students group by year

open c

fetch next from c into @year, @count
select @sql = 'when year = ' + convert(varchar(10), @year - 1) + ' then Id '+ CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 
    select @sql = @sql + 'when year = ' + convert(varchar(10), @year) + ' then Id - ' + convert(varchar(10), @count) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    fetch next from c into @year, @count
close c
deallocate c
select @sql = 'CASE ' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + @sql + ' ELSE 0 END'
select @sql = 'ALTER TABLE Students ADD StudentId AS ' + isnull(@sql, 'Id') + '  PERSISTED'

exec (@sql)


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