
Is it possible to check whether a checkbox has been ticked within it's value?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 09:11 出处:网络
To save me making masses of edits to the rest of my code I want to make a checkbox act like a textbox.

To save me making masses of edits to the rest of my code I want to make a checkbox act like a textbox.

I have the following textbox, that if a number is greater than 0 then it adds items to a basket.

<input type="textbox"
       value="<? echo $item[qty]; ?>" 
       name="<? echo $productid."_".$product_quantity[id]."_".$product_option[id]; ?>" 

How can I make a checkbox act the same way? I.e If it's ticked it's value equals 1, therefore adding it to my basket. If it remains unticked then it's value equals 0, therefore ignored.

<input type="checkbox"
       value="<? echo $item[qty]; ?>"
       name="<? echo $productid."_".$product_quantity[id]."_".$product_opti开发者_高级运维on[id]; ?>"

I have several of these checkboxes going down the page.

Change the value from value="<? echo $item[qty]; ?>" to value="1"

In the action of you form i.e. wishlist.php :

if(isset($_POST["name_of_checkbox"])) {
   //It means check box has been ticked
   $myvalue = 1;
} else {
   //It means check box was not ticked
   $myvalue = 0;


This is another approach to the question maybe this is what you need.

I would introduce a hidden field which will store/post the 0 or 1 value. We will bind an event with the checkbox that will update the value of the hidden input.

<input name="my_cb" id="my_cb" type="checkbox" value="1" />
<input type="hidden" name="my_cb_hidden" id="my_cb_hidden" value="" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$("#my_cb").click(function() { 
    } else {

you can change the value of checkbox value from

value="<? echo $item[qty]; ?>"



then if it is checked then on Submit it will automatically store 1 as a value


after submitting in php code do it as as you updated your question

if(isset($_POST['checkbox name']))
    $item[qty] = 1;
    $item[qty] = 0;

but this will only make the changes in the $item array's value inspite of the value your checkbox hold.



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