
How to add a menu item (in right click menu) to explorer for all files (*.*)?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 09:59 出处:网络
When Winrar installed, and user right click on a file, a new mune item exists: \"Add to Arc开发者_开发问答hive...\"

When Winrar installed, and user right click on a file, a new mune item exists: "Add to Arc开发者_开发问答hive..."

How can do like this for my application?

This can be done by adding a shortcut (context) menu handler.

  • A static handler by setting it up in registry
  • Or, a fully featured dynamic handler, which is a COM object implementing necessary interfaces to advertise verbs and handle their invocations

See also:

  • Choosing a Static or Dynamic Shortcut Menu Method
  • The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions - Part I on CodeProject

You register under *.



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