
iOS UIWebView html builder?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-11 16:42 出处:网络
With a UIWeb view, how do I build html?For instance, I have some header html.But then I want to inject a javascript and pass data into it.After I insert the javascript, I want to append the rest of th

With a UIWeb view, how do I build html? For instance, I have some header html. But then I want to inject a javascript and pass data into it. After I insert the javascript, I want to append the rest of the html that is located in a .html file.

The javascript would be something like this:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var script_object = myNSStringValue1;
var volunteer_name = myNSStringValue2;


in uiwebview we have a method loadHtml use this one

In objective C you can use this to inject javascript:

    NSString* jsCallback = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"yourVeryOwnJavascriptFunction('%@,%@');",string1,string2];
[ self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallback];

Calling this would execute the javascript function. In the javascript function you could set text fields or change any html with the passed parameters of string1, and string2. Your javascript would look like this.

 //custom javascript goes here. 


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