
Usecases that really need Hibernate HQL over JPQL

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 01:09 出处:网络
I know JPQL is a subset of HQL. Are there any practical usecases (please give examples) that really need HQL specific features to be used (that means it is impossible or considerably difficult with

I know JPQL is a subset of HQL.

Are there any practical usecases (please give examples) that really need HQL specific features to be used (that means it is impossible or considerably difficult with JP开发者_如何学PythonQL) to implement them?

Each time you want to use one of the expressions/functions listed in the HQL documentation, and which is not supported by JPQL :

  • second, minute, etc.
  • user additions to the dialect
  • etc.

I conclude that there is no practical usecase that is impossible or considerably difficult to implement only with JPQL (without using HQL)



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