
Posts no longer show up on followers' walls

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 03:22 出处:网络
Our site relies heavily on Facebook to bring in traffic each day. We used to post news items using FBGraph to our wall which would bring people to our site but since the recent change in Facebook\'s

Our site relies heavily on Facebook to bring in traffic each day.

We used to post news items using FBGraph to our wall which would bring people to our site but since the recent change in Facebook's news feed, our posts no longer appear.

If I use Facebook as our page and manually create a post, it does show up on our follower's walls.

Can anyone advise?

PAGE_ID = # ... my page ID

ACCESS_TOKEN = # ... access token

def facebook_opts
@facebook_opts ||= {
  :name        => title,
  :link        => url,
  :picture     => thumbnail_url,
  :description => description,

Face开发者_Go百科bookPagePost.new(PAGE_ID, ACCESS_TOKEN, facebook_opts)

I wouldn't suggest creating a new app every month, that reeks of spam. it may end up getting you on the wrong side of an FB ban hammer :)

Your problem is probably related to the recent Facebook bug that is preventing many API based posts from reaching users' walls. this has been high rip for Facebook since around the first if the month...


This is largely due to the application you are using. If that application is only used to post to the page wall and has no visitors on it's own it's considered unpopular and the posts are not shown. The workaround I've found is to switch applications every month keeping the same name, and discard the old one.

EDIT: You can use the welcome tab application for posting on the page wall, as it already has plenty of visitors if you prefer not to switch applications.

EDIT 2: You should probably implement some sort of tracking for the traffic you get from facebook (custom links etc.) and use that as a metric, and not wall posts for individual users, where there are numerous reasons on why the posts might not appear.



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