
jqgrid oversmart and applying title to my td's

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 09:35 出处:网络
I am 开发者_开发技巧using this function of jqgrid: tableToGrid(\"#something\", { width: \'400\', height: \'auto\', caption: \'\'});

I am 开发者_开发技巧using this function of jqgrid:

 tableToGrid("#something", { width: '400', height: 'auto', caption: ''});

This works fine but when I hover over something, it shows the same text as seen in cell. I don't really want this. When I did viewsource in Firefox, jqgrid added title attribute to all my td's. How can I stop this?

Thanks in advance :)

You use tableToGrid, so it's more difficult for you to find the correct parameter in the documentation. The answer shows the way to solve your problem. In case of usage of tableToGrid it will look as following:

tableToGrid("#something", {width: '400', height: 'auto', cmTemplate: {title: false}});


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