
timestamped notes on the command line

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 10:05 出处:网络
Bit of a strange request. I\'d like have a window where I can record a list of开发者_StackOverflow中文版 ad-hoc notes, with a timestamp for each note.

Bit of a strange request. I'd like have a window where I can record a list of开发者_StackOverflow中文版 ad-hoc notes, with a timestamp for each note. I've written the following which works:

$ while read line
> do
> echo $(date +%H:%M:%S) $line
> done | tee log
21:35:30 Hello
21:35:32 World

Is there a more elegant way of doing this?

If you care about preserving whitespace, quote your variable $line. The date format %T is equivalent to %H:%M:%S. You may want to append to the log file.

Otherwise, the only thing I can think of to make it more eleganter is to put in in a function.

notes() { 
  echo Type some notes. Hit Ctrl-D to quit.
  while read line; do 
    echo $(date +%T) "$line"
  done | tee -a log.txt

You can make the date call a bit shorter:

date +%H:%M:%S

is same as:

date +%T

L() { echo `date` $* >> PATH/LOGFILE; } 

in your .bashrc, and you can do L something important or not in every terminal.




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