
powershell: invoke-sqlcmd catching errors when using -InputFile instead of -Query

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 12:24 出处:网络
I have an powershell script which is executing sql scripts from a given folder. This is working, but in case of error I don\'t see the reason of the error. In some cases the error is displayed, when t

I have an powershell script which is executing sql scripts from a given folder. This is working, but in case of error I don't see the reason of the error. In some cases the error is displayed, when the powershell itself throws the error. But when it's a more simple failure such as a primary key conflict, no error is shown.

I've tried it the following way, but this does not work when using the "-InputFile" parameter. Replacing this by the 开发者_运维技巧"-Query" Parameter and the error will be shown.

    sqlps Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$dbInstance" -Database "$dbName" -InputFile "$updateScriptsFolder\$updateSql" -username $username -password $password -ErrorAction 'Stop' -Verbose -OutputSqlErrors 1
    Write-Host "Error while executing $updateScriptsFolder\$updateSql" -foregroundcolor red
    Write-Host $error -foregroundcolor red

The only solution for now is to add the error handling to every sql script. But it's very likely that developers forget to add the errorhandling to their script. I want a more general error handling. Can anybody help?

Thanks, Michael

As per the comments above, read the file into a string variable and use that variable as the value for the -query parameter.



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