
Android resource not found exception?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 19:07 出处:网络
I am having a strange problem using findViewById(id). It comes back with resource not found even though the resource is definitely there. It is a textview in a layout next to another textview, one of

I am having a strange problem using findViewById(id). It comes back with resource not found even though the resource is definitely there. It is a textview in a layout next to another textview, one of the textviews I can find by id but the other shows resource not found. Is there any reason this might be happening?开发者_如何学JAVA

Make sure that you aren't really just trying to set the text to a number and expecting it to automatically convert to a string.

Try cleaning your project or post some code.

Sometimes the ID's do not get correctly regenerated if you are using Eclipse. This requires the project to be cleaned and sometimes refreshed.

Exception Message thrown is not very descriptive. Its very much likely the case you are trying to cast the int value to String, applying the below change fixed the issue for me.

Code before the fix:


Code after the fix:


Just to clarify Terra Caines answer since I saw it happening a lot to people; TextView, and other text components, have 2 setText() functions with 1 parameter.

One of them is with a String and one with int. The int is obviously for a string Resource such as R.string.myString - which, to those who didnt know, R.exm always is represented as int. The string is for putting a string there.

So for example I want to put int x = 1; in a textView. Doing mTextView.setText(x); will cause the textView to use the resource function and since there is probably no resource with the id 1 it will throw the exception Resource not found. If You want to put an int or any number in the setText() Function make sure to convert it to String (x+"") or (x.toString()) would do the trick for you.

Hope it saved some time to people.

textViewCount.setText(someArray.size()); was my problem.

Simply call toString(); to fix the problem.

    Integer size = mSomeArray.size();

Make sure you don't set any attributes programmaticly which are not available. I had the very same problem and the reason was a RemoteView.setFloat(id,"setWeight",1.0f); to a LinearLayout, which was not supported with Android before 4.x Unfortunately the error message was not very helpful on this.

In my case, I had int variable (on top of my Activity class) and I was trying to pass that int variable as second parameter to Toast.makeText() (to show that to the user), I don't know I was stupid or android dev platform is! :p

Check if the property android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher" exists under the application tag of your manifest file.

I my case, I was trying to pass drawable selector with item android:color to background of view. The problem here is that you cannot define the background color using a color selector, you need a drawable selector.

In my case In the res/menu/(xml file) In that xml file, in the there I used a png icon which was causing error you should only use vector icon. This error was showing in android 6(marshmallow) and not in higher versions.

Check if you have

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

declared twice in any of the resource files.

I had two of them in a file, removed one, and it worked like a charm.



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