
Jquery getting an attribute from a list

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 19:23 出处:网络
I have the following code <ul> <li> <a><img src=\"mysource\" alt=\"my alt tag 1\"/></a>

I have the following code

    <a><img src="mysource" alt="my alt tag 1"/></a>
    <a><img src="mysource" alt="my alt tag 2"/></a>
    <a><img src="mysource" alt="my alt tag 3"/></a>
    <a><img src="mysource" alt="my alt tag 4"/></a>

I'm trying to get the alt tag of the image. I have the position of the list item i'm trying to access saved in a variable 'currentPos' but I can't get the alt content. Any help would be great. This is what i've tried so far

altText = $("ul li").i开发者_StackOverflow社区ndex(currentPos).find('img').attr('alt');

Use eq instead of index:

var altText = $("ul li").eq(currentPos).find('img').attr('alt');

Here's a working example.

index returns a number indicating the index position of the element, whereas eq actually gets the element at the specified index.

try :

altText = $("ul li").eq(currentPos).find('img').attr('alt');


altText = $('ul li').eq(currentPos).find('img').attr('alt');

Where currentPos is a 0 based index. so the first item is 0



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