
Partial migration from SVN

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 20:16 出处:网络
In terms of learning Mercurial and migration from SVN to it I have couple questions: if we decide to move to mercurial just one project and continue to use SVN for other projects but we really need

In terms of learning Mercurial and migration from SVN to it I have couple questions:

  1. if we decide to move to mercurial just one project and continue to use SVN for other projects but we really need to copy release branches and trunk to old SVN repository - is it easy thing?

  2. SVN uses LDAP authentication - can mercurial use it too?

  3. We use php and have own created开发者_C百科 deployer software which deploys branch to production and it means we have in SVN production property files, but mercurial commits all changes in directory - what is common way to solve this problem.

Thank you

  1. HGSubversion solve most of problems for transparent SVN-usage from Mercurial, except linearization of history (before push to SVN) for non-linear work in Mercurial. It's (linearization) handwork with (some) extensions, nothing impossible

  2. For Apache as frontend, which can use LDAP-auth it's as easy as write

AuthType basic

AuthBasicProvider ldap

AuthName "Mercurial Repositories"

AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:389/ou=People,dc=example,dc=com?uid?sub?(objectClass=posixAccount)

Require valid-user

  1. Call hg-commands from your php-code?


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