
ASP.NET Connection String Error

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-12 23:46 出处:网络
I used this connection to run my SQL query, but it did not work and sent this error: Keyword not supported: \'dsn\'

I used this connection to run my SQL query, but it did not work and sent this error:

Keyword not supported: 'dsn'

This is my connection:

public static string CnnStr = @"Dsn=Server;uid=kity;app=Microsoft® Visu开发者_运维知识库al Studio® 2010;wsid=kity;database=Server;trusted_connection=Yes";

This connection works for me in my datalist, but for my behind code it gives me this error. II should say that I used ODBC connection to database.

create any .udl file

press enter on it

detect your data source and copy and paste you Connection String in the asp.net code

Try adding a value for providerName=System.Data.Odbc into the connection string.

Like this:

@"Dsn=Server;uid=kity;app=Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010;wsid=kity;database=Server;trusted_connection=Yes;providerName=System.Data.Odbc;"

If that doesn't work, take a look at the same question in different situations:

Keyword not supported exception when attempting to use a connection string that points to a ODBC DSN

Keyword not supported: 'dsn'

Note: the "Keyword not supported: ..." error usually comes from an incorrectly formatted connection string.



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