
LINQ to Entities How do do a subquery for a field

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 00:50 出处:网络
To save multiple DB calls, and since it is from the same table, I\'m looking for one of the fields in my linq query to return an object with 2 fields that are IEnumerable.开发者_开发百科

To save multiple DB calls, and since it is from the same table, I'm looking for one of the fields in my linq query to return an object with 2 fields that are IEnumerable.


I wrote some pseudeocode here that should illustrate what I'm trying to do, but its not valid Linq code. Anyone know how to make this work? (Fred & Joe will both be IEnumerable)

    var c = from jobs in model.jobView
                      select jobs.JobID, jobs.NameID, new
                                     Fred = from j in model.jobView
                                            select jobs.Field1,
                                     Joe = from k in model.jobView
                                            select jobs.Field2

You want to create an anonymous type and then create another anonymous type within it.

I am guessing there is a typo in your two collections where you use j and k, but select with jobs

 var c = from jobs in model.jobView      
         select new 
           TwoObjects = new
                          Fred = from j in model.jobView
                                 select jobs.Field1,
                          Joe = from k in model.jobView
                                 select jobs.Field2


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