
Is there a reference point or repository where I can find common design pattern implementations in MS .Net framework?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 03:03 出处:网络
Basically, I just want to see the design patterns in action in the MS .Net framework itself. For e.g. we can look at the stream classes and see how MS implemented the decorator pattern. Is there a way

Basically, I just want to see the design patterns in action in the MS .Net framework itself. For e.g. we can look at the stream classes and see how MS implemented the decorator pattern. Is there a way to fin开发者_运维技巧d the other patterns in action as well? Has it been documented anywhere? People talk a lot about seeing patterns, I'm curious whether somebody has observed and cataloged these patterns in .Net framework itself.

First hit from google...

MSDN Magazine, design patterns you are already using in .Net



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