
Include minixsv in google app engine

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 05:11 出处:网络
I want to make use of minixsv to validate an xml against an xsd. I read that google app engine su开发者_JAVA百科pports this since it\'s 100% python. My question is, how do I add the minixsv to the GAE

I want to make use of minixsv to validate an xml against an xsd. I read that google app engine su开发者_JAVA百科pports this since it's 100% python. My question is, how do I add the minixsv to the GAE? if i do a:

from minixsv import pyxsval

I get an error...I'm obviously missing some setup things, any one know how I can set it up?


<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named minixsv 



GAE question: https://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine-python/browse_thread/thread/b457c9784df6a2f6?fwc=1&pli=1

You need to include the library in your app's root directory. Put the minixsv directory (or minixsv.py if it doesn't have one) in the root directory of your app and try again.



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