
Why is ColdFusion/Hibernate adding the entity name as a prefix to column names in generated SQL?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 05:43 出处:网络
I am running ColdFusion 9.01 with all the latest hotfixes applied as of this writing. I\'ve been using ColdFusion 9\'s Hibernate integration on a production site for well over a year and now need to r

I am running ColdFusion 9.01 with all the latest hotfixes applied as of this writing. I've been using ColdFusion 9's Hibernate integration on a production site for well over a year and now need to relate two existing entities; however, Hibernate is generating incorrect column names for a many-开发者_高级运维to-many relationship.

My two existing entities are Presenter and Product. I have dbcreate set to "none" and am using the default values for autogenmap on a Oracle 11g database. So, Hibernate is not responsible for schema changes to my database.

Here is the new property I added to my Presenter entity.

/** Relation to any episodes associated to this presenter. **/
property name='Products' fieldtype='many-to-many' lazy='extra'
    singularName="Product" cfc='platform.shared.models.entities.Product' fkcolumn='PRESENTER_ID'
    linktable='PRESENTERS_TO_PRODUCTS' cacheuse = 'read-only' cachename = 'EntityCache' inversejoincolumn='PRODUCT_ID';

Here is the invalid SQL generated by Hibernate.

select count(Product_product_id) from PRESENTERS_TO_PRODUCTS where Presenter_presenter_id =?

I am unsure why Hibernate is prefixing the columns with the name of the entity. The SQL should look like this:

select count(product_id) from PRESENTERS_TO_PRODUCTS where presenter_id =?

As I diagnose this, I saved the HBXML files generated by Hibernate. I've included the full file for my Presenter entity below.

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    <class entity-name="Presenter" lazy="true"
        name="cfc:platform.shared.models.entities.Presenter" table="PRESENTERS">
        <id name="presenter_id" type="integer">
            <column name="presenter_id"/>
            <generator class="increment"/>
        <property name="presenter_bio" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_bio"/>
        <property name="presenter_name" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_name"/>
        <property name="presenter_website" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_website"/>
        <property name="presenter_company" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_company"/>
        <property name="presenter_internalname" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_internalname"/>
        <property name="presenter_logo" type="integer">
            <column name="presenter_logo"/>
        <property name="presenter_description" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_description"/>
        <property name="deleted" type="integer">
            <column name="deleted"/>
        <property name="presenter_is_evangelist" type="integer">
            <column name="presenter_is_evangelist"/>
        <property name="presenter_is_expert" type="integer">
            <column name="presenter_is_expert"/>
        <property name="presenter_about" type="text">
            <column name="presenter_about"/>
        <bag lazy="extra" name="Episodes" table="ASSET_TO_PRESENTERS">
            <cache region="EntityCache" usage="read-only"/>
            <key column="PRESENTER_ID"/>
                class="cfc:platform.shared.models.entities.Episode" column="ASSET_ID"/>
        <!-- This is the new relationship causing trouble -->
    <bag lazy="extra" name="Products" table="PRESENTERS_TO_PRODUCTS">
        <cache region="ATVEntityCache" usage="read-only"/>
        <key column="PRESENTER_ID"/>
            column="PRODUCT_ID" not-found="ignore"/>
        <!-- End new relationship -->
            column="presenter_photo" lazy="proxy" name="Photo"/>

Much appreciated.

**** UPDATE 1 **** I've added the inversejoincolumn column. I am able to access the products in my unit test with the following assertions, however, when I dump the entity, the error shows itself.

var p = entityLoadByPK('Presenter',276);
var pr = p.getProducts();
// Works
assertEquals(2,arrayLen(pr),'Expected 2 products');
// Also works
assertEquals('ProductA',pr[1].getproduct_name(),'Incorrect product name.');
// Also works       
assertEquals('ProductB',pr[2].getproduct_name(),'Incorrect product name.');
// Fails

**** UPDATE 2 **** I've awarded the solution; however, something is still off. I've attached a screenshot of the DUMP showing the remaining issue. ColdFusion says "[undefined array element] could not retrieve collection size: [Product.Presenters#0]".

Why is ColdFusion/Hibernate adding the entity name as a prefix to column names in generated SQL?

Whenever I use a many to many relationship, i always have a inversejoincolumn attribute. I think it is just guessing it because it is not defined explicitly. Here are what my relationships always look like:

property name="names" singularname="name" fieldtype="many-to-many"
cfc="cfc" linktable="linktable" fkcolumn="ThisId" 


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