
printing solution

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 08:08 出处:网络
I have an application that uses Flex (SDK 4.5.1) on the client side and Java on the server. User of this application needs to be able to print documents that have the following characteristics:

I have an application that uses Flex (SDK 4.5.1) on the client side and Java on the server. User of this application needs to be able to print documents that have the following characteristics:

  • text is in unicode since it needs to support various languages, including Indian languages
  • text has embedded images... one can think 开发者_StackOverflow中文版of this as sequence of span and img elements in a paragraph
  • the print layout is in the form of tables and potentially nested tables

I struggled with FlexPrintJob for many days but the result is unacceptable. When RichText's TextFlow has embedded images, it causes all sorts of issues, including missing images, application throwing error, etc. The following link has the entre discussion:


Then I tried iText to generate PDF and in most parts it works with English. But I need to make it work with Indian languages and iText doesn't support ligatures for Indian languages.

I have tried these 2 options that I know of and neither of them succeeded for my requirements.

Any suggestions on how I can generate a printable document with the characteristics mentioned above using Java on the server?

Any suggestions, direction is highly appreciated!

I'm pretty sure that JasperReports fulfill all of your requirements. However, it takes some time to get started with.



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