
LINQ issue while updating sql server from 2005 to 2008

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-13 08:45 出处:网络
We are planning to update our production server to 2008 now, but before that we tried to test it on our development server and I am facing some problem in order to connect our websites to it. I was un

We are planning to update our production server to 2008 now, but before that we tried to test it on our development server and I am facing some problem in order to connect our websites to it. I was under an impression that by just changing the connection string, it will point to the other server. It is a dot net web application, so do I need to delet开发者_StackOverflow中文版e and reinsert all the tables in the dbml file. Also, do I need to insert the stored procedures as well.


You don't have to reinsert all your tables. If you have the dbml Connection property set to use the connection string from your application settings file you just have to modify that. Otherwise you can open up the designer file and change it there but it will get reset anytime you make changes from the UI.



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