
Sending a JSON object to an ASP.NET web service using JQUERY ajax function

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-26 18:41 出处:网络
I want to create object on the client side of aspx page. And i want to add functions to these javascript classes to make easier the life.

I want to create object on the client side of aspx page. And i want to add functions to these javascript classes to make easier the life.

Actually i can get and use the objects (derived from the server side classes) which returns from the services. When i wanted to send objects from the client by jquery ajax methods, i couldn't do it :)

This is my javascript classes:

function ClassAndMark(_mark, _lesson){

    this.Lesson = _lesson;
    this.Mark = _mark;

function Student(_name, _surname, _classAndMark){

    this.Name = _name;
    this.SurName = _surname;
    this.ClassAndMark = _classAndMark;

And this is a method for Student class to call Web Service:

        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        url: "/WS/SaveObject.asmx/fSaveToDB"),

        data: ????????????,
 // This might be: JSON.stringify(this) ?
 // Web service method has a parameter, name is _obj 
 // if i don't send data with parameter, i'm getting this error:
 // Invalid web service call, missing value for parameter: '_obj'
 // Should i send it like that:
 // data: "{_obj:" + JSON.stringify(this) +开发者_如何学JAVA "}"
 // I tried to wrap this with parameter like that: 
 // data: JSON.stringify("{_obj:" + this + "}") 
 // But i got this error:
 // Cannot convert object of type 'System.String' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]'

        dataType: "json"

To create javascript object and call its method to send it toward web service:

Actually i don't know what should be definition of classes and methods on the Server side but i think:

class ClassAndMark{

    public string Lesson ;
    public string Mark ;

class Student{

    public string Name ;
    public string SurName ;
    public ClassAndMark classAndMark ;

Web service is below but again i couldn't get what should be instead of the ???? :

public Student fSaveToDB(???? _obj)
    // How can i convert input parameter/parameters 
    // of method in the server side object?   

    // SQL operations  
    // srting QInsert = "INSERT INTO tableName (......) VALUES (.....)";
    // ...
    // ..
    // .

    return new Student{
                     Name = ???, // deserialize _obj and pass its Name value
                     SurName = ???, // deserialize _obj and pass its SurName value
                     classAndMark = ???, // deserialize _obj and pass its classAndMark value

Step 1, client side: You have to serialize your client objects into JSON, I personally use stringify() method of the JSON2 library: http://www.json.org/js.html

data: JSON.stringify(myObj)

Step2, Server-side: You have to translate the serialized object into something "eatable" by your c# code. Here you can use deserialize() method of Microsoft's JavaScriptSerializer class (but it might have some issues in .net 3.5 if you don't have SP installed), or otherwise JSON.net library http://james.newtonking.com/pages/json-net.aspx

server-side method signature should be:

fSaveToDB(Object myObj)

where "myObj" is the name of your client-side object container:

{myObj: your object...}

Is your asmx page expecting a soap envelope? If so you will have a tough time connecting directly to it with an xmlhttp request do to the additional markup (it's certainly do-able, but is a pain). You may want to look at some examples of creating restful services as they will be easier to communicate with via javascript. Take a look at http://www.west-wind.com/weblog/posts/324917.aspx.

Javascript side:

        type: "POST",
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        url: "/WS/SaveObject.asmx/fSaveToDB"),

        data: data: $.toJSON({ _obj: this }),

        dataType: "json"

Web service is:

public Student fSaveToDB(Student _obj)
    return bla bla bla;

A detailed answer for a similar question states that combining the JQuery & Json2.stringfy() can be used for sending complex type to Server-Side methods.

And on the Server Side, you will only need to put the required Type in the Method Signature (ex. foo(MyType obj) { ... } )

How to send JSON object to asp.net web service and process the data there?

Let's simplify this: You have a server side object instance name and a client side object instance name.

In your jQuery ajax - use this form

data: '{"myServerSideObjectInstanceName":' + JSON.stringify(myClientSideObjectInstanceName) + '}',

On the server side use

public void MyWebServiceMethod(myObject myServerSideObjectInstanceName)
{ ... your code here ...}

As long as the myObject has the identical signature as your javascript Object, this will work. You can get your values (on the server) using something like myServerSideObjectInstanceName.StudentName (or whatever).



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