
Implementing "select distinct ... from ..." over a list of Python dictionaries

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-29 13:13 出处:网络
Here is my problem: I have a list of Python dictionaries of identical form, that are meant to represent the rows of a table in a database, something like this:

Here is my problem: I have a list of Python dictionaries of identical form, that are meant to represent the rows of a table in a database, something like this:

[ {'ID': 1,
   'NAME': 'Joe',
   'CLASS': '8th',
   ... },
  {'ID': 1,
   'NAME': 'Joe',
   'CLASS': '11th',
   ... },

I have already written a function to get the unique values for a particular field in this list of dictionaries, which was trivial. That function implements something like:

select distinct NAME from ...

However, I want to be able to get the list of multiple unique fields, similar to:

select distinct NAME, CLASS from ...

Which I am finding to be non-trivial.开发者_JAVA百科 Is there an algorithm or Python included function to help me with this quandry?

Before you suggest loading the CSV files into a SQLite table or something similar, that is not an option for the environment I'm in, and trust me, that was my first thought.

If you want it as a generator:

def select_distinct(dictionaries, keys):
  seen = set()
  for d in dictionaries:
    v = tuple(d[k] for k in keys)
    if v in seen: continue
    yield v

if you want the result in some other form (e.g., a list instead of a generator) it's not hard to alter this (e.g., .append to the initially-empty result list instead of yielding, and return the result list at the end).

To be called, of course, as

for values_tuple in select_distinct(thedicts, ('NAME', 'CLASS')):

or the like.

distinct_list = list(set([(d['NAME'], d['CLASS']) for d in row_list]))

where row_list is the list of dicts you have

One can implement the task using hashing. Just hash the content of rows that appear in the distinct query and ignore the ones with same hash.



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