
Warning on missing custom javadoc tags

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-29 15:24 出处:网络
We create a custom Doclet for our projet to generate a specific documentation for our client. We define some specific tags that are parsed by the doclet when we generate the documentation.

We create a custom Doclet for our projet to generate a specific documentation for our client.

We define some specific tags that are parsed by the doclet when we generate the documentation.

Do you know how to ask eclipse to add warning when tho开发者_如何学运维se special tags are missing in our javadoc comments ?

Example of well formed javadoc:

 * @dialogName TECK-01-E-608
 * @useVO ServiceVO
 * @useVO AgentVO
public class MyDialog extends BaseDialogImpl {

If @dialogName is missing, the developper should have a warning in eclipse...

I look checkstyle a little bit, but I don't understand how to configure it to do such a thing.

Thanks in advance for your help.

That should be detected by the CheckStyle "WriteTag" tool.
(I know you have looked at CheckStyle: this answer is there to mention a possible configuration):

<module name="WriteTag">
   <property name="tag" value="@dialogName"/>
   <property name="severity" value="warning"/> <!-- if not found, warning -->
   <property name="tagSeverity" value="ignore"/> <!-- if found, display nothing -->


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