
Add in the LaTeX TOC an included PDF

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-29 23:53 出处:网络
In my document I include a PDF using \\includepdf[pages=-]{./mypdf.pdf} The problem I\'m having is how to add a TOC entry for this pdf.

In my document I include a PDF using


The problem I'm having is how to add a TOC entry for this pdf.

It supposed to be an appendix. I tried adding a new section in the appendix but of course the section name can't be printed on the same page than the included pdf, so the resulting TOC line directs to a wrong page.

If I use \addcontentsline I loose the numbering and the page is wrong too because the included pdf actually starts at the n开发者_JAVA百科ext page...

I'm a bit lost here so I would really appreciate if someone knows how to do this.

Note: the pdf I try to include was not generated from LaTex.

From the documentation of pdfpages (page 6) it looks like there is an experimental tag called addtotoc. I think you'd use it like:

\includepdf[pages=-, addtotoc={<page number>, section, 1, <heading>, <label>}]

Where <page number> is the desired page number of the included PDF (edit) to link to, <heading> is the title in the TOC, and <label> is how you may \ref to the section.

Have you tried

\section[text for toc]{text for document}

in your case

\section[text for toc]{}

to suppress the output in the document.



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