
findDependentRowset returning all rows

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-13 05:15 出处:网络
I have these two models: class Application_Model_List extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract { protected $_name = \'list\';

I have these two models:

class Application_Model_List extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'list';
    protected $_primary = 'list_id';
    protected $_dependentTables = array('Application_Model_Task');

    public function getUserLists($user)
        $select = $this->select()->from($this->_name)->where('list_user = ?',$user);
        return $this->fetchAll($select);



class Application_Model_Task extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
    protected $_name = 'task';
    protected $_primary = 'task_id';

    protected $_referenceMap = array(
        'List' => array(
            'columns'       => 'task_list_id',
            'refTableClass' =开发者_JAVA技巧> 'Application_Model_List',
            'refColumns'    => 'list_id'

I call getUserLists within my controller like this:

public function indexAction()
    $lists = new Application_Model_List();
    $userLists = $lists->getUserLists(1);
    $this->view->lists = $userLists;

and pass it to my view and then call findDependentRowset like this:

foreach($this->lists as $list){
    echo $list->list_title;
    $tasks = $list->findDependentRowset('Application_Model_Task');
    foreach($tasks as $task){
        echo $task->task_title;

but the problem is it outputs all rowsets from the dependent table, not just the ones matching the where clause

Oops. It turns out this was working but invalid HTML was hiding the output i was expecting



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