
Jump to content inside of a scrollable div

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-16 10:00 出处:网络
I got the following HTML: <div style=\"height:200px;overflow-y:scroll;\"> <table>.....</table>

I got the following HTML:

<div style="height:200px;overflow-y:scroll;">

With this setup I'm somewhat mimicking the expanded <select> control with @size attribute defined. So, that a user could select a row in the table. Is there a way, to make the table "jump up", so that the selected row appears to be at the top of the div and the ve开发者_JS百科rtical scrollbar scrolled to its position. I don't need the actual scrolling effect. The table should change it's position right away on row click.

This might work:

  scrollTop: 200 // scrolls to the bottom
}, 1000);

I suggest using scrollTop (or even animate it if you want).

$('div')[0].scrollTop = 200 //would set the scrollable div to 200px down.


Here is an modified extract of the code used in: http://www.balupton.com/sandbox/jquery-scrollto/demo/

To do what you want:

            // Fetch the scrollable div
            $container = $('#scrollable');
            // Fetch the target div
            $target = $('#target');

            // Prepare the Inline Element of the Container
            var $inline = $('<span/>').css({
                'position': 'absolute',
                'top': '0px',
                'left': '0px'
            var position = $container.css('position');

            // Insert the Inline Element of the Container

            // Determine the Offsets
            var startOffset = $inline.offset().top,
                targetOffset = $target.offset().top,
                offsetDifference = targetOffset - startOffset;

            // Perform the jump

We add a inline here to ensure we get the correct start position within the scrollable area. We use a offset difference so if you want to do animations it animations from the start position, rather than jumping somewhere else.



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