
how to use <map> with mouseover to automatically link into another page

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-05 04:32 出处:网络
I wanted to use MAP so whenever a person hovers the cursor over the area of a picture so he/she automatically links into another page. I cannot seem to figure out. HELP! :(

I wanted to use MAP so whenever a person hovers the cursor over the area of a picture so he/she automatically links into another page. I cannot seem to figure out. HELP! :(

this is only the partial code. The code is working fine. Thanks in advanc开发者_开发百科e!

document.write('<td> <img src="Ishaharah Plates/p ' + nCount + '.jpg" height="500" width="500" usemap="#green" border="0">');
        document.write('<map name="green">');

        function AutoLink(sLink){document.housec.src = sLink}

        document.write('<area shape="rect" onmouseover="ShowPic(this.href)" coords="375,190,450,240" href="Plate_19_1.php?XCount=' + nxCount + '&Number=1&Count=' + nCount + '&Correct=' + nCorrect + '">');

        document.write('<area shape="rect" coords="335,210,385,265" href="Plate_' + nCount + '_1.php?XCount=' + nxCount + '&Number=' + nAnswer + '&Count=' + nCount + '&Correct=' + nCorrect + '">');

Assuming you have an href set on the area tag, try onmouseover="window.location.href=this.href"

It would be easier to help you if you isolated the problem and posted a complete example.



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