
Drag and drop column data to another column

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-07 03:41 出处:网络
In Flex, using AdvancedDataG开发者_如何学Crid, I\'m trying to achieve a drag and drop of one row\'s column data to another row\'s column or the same row but different column.Is this even possible?I\'v

In Flex, using AdvancedDataG开发者_如何学Crid, I'm trying to achieve a drag and drop of one row's column data to another row's column or the same row but different column. Is this even possible? I've been googling for hours and all I can find are drag and drop whole columns just to rearrange their view order.

You have two options to make columns draggable.

First is to make all the columns draggable in the DataGrid. You can do this using the draggableColumns property on the DataGrid class. Set its value to true.

The second is to set the draggable property on the DataGridColumn class.

In both cases, you would drag the columns using the column header.

If you want to be able to drag a single cell, there is no way to do this that I know of.



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