
PHP eCommerce System [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 05:54 出处:网络
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Closed 7 years ago.

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I'm looking for a eCommerce system built using PHP and MySQL.

It needs to:

  • Be modular (to enable/disabled unused stuff)
  • Not include a开发者_运维问答ny CMS functionality (so I can supply it myself)
  • Not include any user authentication functionality (so I can supply it myself)
  • Custom payment methods (so I can intergrate with DPS)
  • Ability to only have a limited amount of fixed products (so no category lists etc)
  • Ability to have multiple products/categories/etc
  • Be completely skinable
  • Have session and saved (logged in) shopping carts
  • Functionality for prices, tax rates, multi currency, package and shipping, specials etc
  • Free, or Paid with source supplied, support and documentation

Does anyone know of a eCommerce system that comes close to these requirements?

Your best bet is probably to search for each of those things as separate elements.

I don't think you'll ever find a solution that is eg. skinable but also has no authentication methods..

It sounds like you should just roll your own or start off with something like http://prestashop.com/ (which I have used somewhat) and make modifications as you see fit.

OpenCart is a nice platform I've been using recently for a client project, that's PHP based, and very customizable.

As many have said, it's a bit odd look for a platform that's missing key elements (i.e. user authentication, etc.) +1 for roll your own, or +1 for Opencart.

Since you'll probably lack on replies : https://github.com/vendo/vendo

The only thing it lacks is support / documentation, but that also applies for the framework (Kohana). It's well commented though, very well in fact, and strict OOP.



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