
bzr fails on an FTP Upload

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 08:03 出处:网络
I have a website that uses cPanel. I created an ftp account, say called Rich, but it is created as rich@mysite.com

I have a website that uses cPanel.

I created an ftp account, say called Rich, but it is created as rich@mysite.com

cPanel does this automatically.

I can FTP connect fine. I do a checkout of the code from the exposed folder on the site with bazaar (bzr pull) fine.

When I commit, I get a failure as the commit tries the ftp upload with: Rich@mysite.com as the user. So I have a diagnosis of case sensitivity.

I am on a Win machine and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the bzr repo configured to accept a change to the different ftp user name. Conversely, I do not know how to change the FTP account to make it a cap R.

I tri开发者_如何学运维ed setting the bzr config items, but there really isn't a great example in the user docs of bzr of exactly how to do this or should I say an exact mapping of what represents what in relation to the internal workings of bzr.


After finding myself in the same boat, I did some research and found that you can escape special characters in the Bazaar command line. What you are having a problem with now is the double @ signs, e.g.:

bzr pull ftp://rich@mysite.com@mysite.com/mybranch

This won't work, as Bazaar will see "rich@mysite.com@mysite.com" incorrectly. However, it will work, if you encode the first @ sign:

bzr pull ftp://rich%40mysite.com@mysite.com/mybranch

It will still post "password for username rich@mysite.com@mysite.com", but it will work correctly instead of failing.

try to specify required username in the URL to your master branch as ftp://name@host.com/path



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