
Trying to get the euro symbol using chr(128)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-08 12:53 出处:网络
I expected this code: define(\'EURO_SIMBOLO\', chr(128)); $euro = EURO_SIMBOLO; var_dump($euro); to show the € symbol, but it doesn\'开发者_高级运维t. Why does this happen?If you want to go with U

I expected this code:

define('EURO_SIMBOLO', chr(128));

to show the symbol, but it doesn'开发者_高级运维t. Why does this happen?

If you want to go with Unicode, UTF-8 more specifically, which I prefer because of its flexibility, you can output the Euro sign using:

echo "\xE2\x82\xAc"; // 3 bytes-long multibyte character

Instead of € (alt + 0128)

switch your euro code to


This will only work if you're using a 125x code page. The fact is that the euro character is not included in all extended ASCII character sets (introduced in ISO/IEC 8859-15), however it does have a de-facto Unicode character.

If this is simply for displaying in a browser, consider using either '€' or '€'

If you are using such a character set with the euro-symbol you’re most likely using iso-8859-15 in which the '€' character is defined at position 164. So you might have more luck if you replace 128 by 164, although this won’t help you in utf-8 environments in which the previous answer might be more suited.

In the CP1252 encoding of € has the code 128; In ISO-8859-15 the code is 164; Macintosh Roman is 219;

The euro sign is a part of the ASCII. Look that http://www.ascii-code.com/



验证码 换一张
取 消
