

  • ubuntu 服务器中mysql的安装与连接方法

    目录1.mysql的安装与初始化2.mysql 进行远程连接的时候报错记录2.1.1 报错信息2.1.2 解决方案2.2.1 报错信息2.2.2 解决方案3 大功告成Host is not allowed to connect tojavascript this MySQL server解决方法1.mysq[详细]

    2024-01-14 08:58 分类:数据库
  • Forking with a listening socket

    I\'d like to make sure about the correctness of the way I try to use accept() on a socket. I know that in Linux it\'s safe to listen() on a socket, fork() N children and then recv() the packets in al[详细]

    2022-12-28 17:48 分类:问答